ESP Arduino Tutorial


Getting started with NodeMCU

In this Tutorial I explained some basic information about ESP8266 inorder to help you understanding how to use this super cheap Dev board. Also I showed how to configure Arduino IDE to program ESP8266 by insterting the following link in additional boards manager URLs. via YouTube

esp arduino esp32-cam face detection

ESP32 CAM Face Detection

Hey friends in this video I will show you how to setup and use ESP32 – CAM module for the first time Arduino – File – Preferences – Materials: ESP32 CAM TTL Connector Jumpers Breadboard   via YouTube

esp arduino esp32-cam face recognition

ESP-Eye Face Recognition – ESP32

A first look on the ESP-Eye dev kit from Espressif. It’s a tiny board with an on-board camera and a microphone. It’s enabled by a phrase and detects faces. It is even able to distinguish different faces. Seems to be an awesome platform for future projects. via YouTube

esp arduino esp32-cam

ESP32-CAM Camera for Arduino IDE

Setting up the ESP32-CAM using the Arduino IDE and a brief demonstration of the video streaming, face detection and face recognition capabilities of the ESP-WHO framework via YouTube

sonoff factory esp arduino

Visit to the Sonoff factory

SuperHouse UPDATE#27: I’ve been asked by several people how they can get in touch with factories so they can go on tours. Please DON’T DO THIS unless you are serious about doing business with that company. Factories are not amusement parks, and the staff who work in them are busy doing their jobs. If you …

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